How to Make Your First Date Memorable
Few things are as nerve-wracking as asking someone out for the first time — and one of those few things is getting that special someone to say “yes.”
Now, first dates are the most important date you will ever attend since they can either make or break your potential relationship. It is where you both decide if going forward is possible, if there is mutual attraction, and if you want to keep seeing each other. Hence, it’s crucial to make a good first impression.
To help you, here are a few tips to make your first date memorable:
Keep things simple.
It’s natural to want to impress your date, but there’s no need to add to the pressure by spending money on a fancy dinner date and a huge bouquet of flowers.
This is why the dinner-and-movie approach is underrated. Some people say that it’s cliche, but it’s an activity most people enjoy because it’s meant for fun and bonding.
When you ask a girl out to a movie (or any other equally low-key activity like going to an amusement park), she knows that you just want to do something enjoyable with her and get to know her better.
Be there because of her.
Having fun? Great! But don’t get so caught up in your activities that you forget the purpose of first dates — that is, to connect with and begin to get to know each other. If you’re watching a movie, ask her simple questions that don’t require complex answers, like, “Wasn’t that cool?” It lets her know that you’re interested in what she’s thinking.
Afterward, you can use the movie as a conversation starter. You can ask her, “Did you enjoy the movie?” or “Why did you choose this movie to watch with me?” and go from there.
Manners will never go out of style.
Treating your date with respect is a must. Take the time to know common courtesy and practice it.
When you ask her on a date, do so in advance so that you both have time to prepare. Showing up on time and being well-groomed, minding your table manners, and putting your phone away are just some examples of common courtesy.
These are easy but great ways to make a girl feel special — and raise your chances of going out on a second date with her!
Don’t do anything on the first date that will be hard to top on the second date.
Like our first tip, don’t try too hard to impress on the first date, especially if you have high hopes of going out on more dates with the same girl. Trying too hard can be a hit-or-miss.
If your date finds your efforts too much, that’s enough of a reason for her to refuse to go out on a second date with you. She might even think you expect something in return.
If your date enjoys herself on the first date, she might find your following dates a bit of a let-down. You’ll also be putting unnecessary pressure on yourself, turning your dates into a performance.
Worse, if the girl you’re dating is a keeper, she’ll see that you’re just trying to impress her. She may see it as a sweet gesture at first, but then she’ll wonder if you’ll ever be your real self around her. If she considers you insincere, she may just decide to stop seeing you.
Bottomline? The first date should be a nice experience that leads to better experiences.
First dates will always be intimidating, but that’s only because you care about making a good first impression, your date’s experience being with you, and the outcome. Good luck!